Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Improve Your English 03

1.Demean (verb)(वर्ताव करना,व्यवहार करना,अपमानित करना)-To lower status
The embarrassing photograph demeaned the candidate in the eyes of the voters.
Synonyms: humble, degrade

2.Demeanor (noun)(आचरण,चाल-चलन,व्यवहार)-Behavior towards others
Carlos was well liked because of his charming demeanor.
Synonyms: disposition, comportment

3.Derelict (adj)(आवारा,जीर्ण,नष्टप्राय) - Abandoned
The derelict house was condemned as a public hazard.
Synonyms: destitute, forsaken

4.Derivative (adj)(यौगिक पद,अमौलिक) - Lacking originality
Critics panned the movie as a derivative version of last year's Best Picture.
Synonyms: banal, cliche

5.Diffident (adj)(लजीला,शंकालु,शक्की) - Lacking self-confidence
The diffident student never raised her hand in class, even when she knew the answer.
Synonyms: timid, bashful

6.Discern (verb)( नापना,पहचानना)-To recognize as separate as distinct
The pastry connoisseur was able to discern Swiss from Belgian chocolate.
Synonyms: detect, discriminate

7.Disconcert (verb) (घबराना,बिगाडना,अशांत कर देना)-To throw into confusion
Jennifer's outspoken criticism of the meal disoncerted the waiter.
Synonyms: unnerve, bewilder

8.Disdain (noun) (नफरत,अवज्ञा,अवहेलना)-Feeling of contempt
The arrogant writer did not hide his disdain for his uneducated dinner companion.
Synonyms: scorn, discersion

9.Distortion (noun) (कुरुफता,टेढ़ापन,वक्रता)-The act of twisting out of shape
The story about the actress in the gossip column was a distortion of the truth.
Synonyms: contortion, mutilation

10.Drab (adj) (धूसर,नीरस,फीका)-Dull, monotonous
The drab winter scene made Keisha long for the vibrant colors of spring.
Synonyms: dreary, colorless

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